Latitude: 29°32’N Longitude: 032°24’E Time Zone: GMT +2 Unctad Code: EGAIS
AinSokhna, located about 40 km south of Suez on the Red Sea , the Egyptian government has allocated 9,000 hectares of land for economic and industrial development.
This area is referred to as the Sues special Economic Zone (S.S.E.Z.) ,In the direct vicinity of this industrial development, the Sokhna port and logistic center is under development, offering excellent deep – sea port facilities for the handling of liquids and bulk cargo, containers, break–bulk and general cargoes.
The port is built at an excellent location on the coast of the gulf of Suez, with Cairo located some 130 km to the west. The new port will provide the necessary interface for import and export cargo flows, serving the Suez Special Economic Zone as well as the Red Sea area and the Greater Cairo Region.
Operations in the port will start in 2002. To be able to met the cargo handling demands in the future, a Masterplan has been developed that shows the development of the Sokhna port up to 2020.